Self-Employment Workshop

Presented by Elder John Simcox

Sponsored by the Denver LDS Regional Employment Center and Hosted by Golden Colorado Stake

April 25-26, 2008

  1. Basic Daily Agenda:


    Day 1

    Day 2

    7:45 a.m. to 8:15 am Registration  
    8:15 to noon Lectures in the Primary room with break-out sessions in designated rooms 8:30 a.m. start time with Lectures in the Primary room with break-out sessions in designated rooms
    10:00 to 10:05 a.m. Morning Break Morning Break
    12 to 12:45 p.m. Lunch in Cultural Hall Lunch in Cultural Hall
    1 to 4:30 p.m. Lectures in the Primary room with break-out sessions in designated rooms Lectures in the Primary room with break-out sessions in designated rooms
    2:00 to 2:05 p.m. Cookie Break Cookie Break
    1 to 4:30 p.m. Lectures in the Primary room with break-out sessions in designated rooms Lectures in the Primary room with break-out sessions in designated rooms

  2. Workshop Manual: 30 pages. Hard copy provided by courtsey of Brother Pat Hendrix's Anaconda Printing Company.

  3. Manual can also be viewed and printed out at:

  4. Driving instructions to the Golden Stake Center
    Map to the Golden Stake Center
    The Stake Center is located north east of the intersection of  C-470  West  and  I-70.

    From the south take  C-470  West  to I-70 East,  then  6th Avenue East to Indiana St.
    From the north or east take I-25 to  6th Avenue West to Indiana St.
    Proceed north on Indiana to 7th Ave, turn right, turn right again to reach the frontage road.
    The Stake Center is on the left in about three quarters mile.

  5. Lucheon Menus: Days 1 and 2, respectively

  6. Day 1
    Day 2
    Hickory Smoked Brisket Pulled Pork Deli Sandwiches
    Potatoe Salad With Several Deli Meats and Sliced Cheese
    Baked Beans Toppings: Romaine Lettuce, Mustard, Mayo, Sweet Relish
    Oriental Coleslaw Salad Marconi Salad with Dried Pepper and Celery
    Dinner Rolls Baby Carrots
    Triple Berry Ice Cream Sundae Triple Berry Ice Cream Sundae
    Lemonade Lemonade

  7. PowerPoint Presentation(s): (now posted with 87 slildes)

  8. Audio streaming recordings of all lectures for future study (to be posted)
  9. If you need to download a free multimedia player for audio and/or video playback for PC Windows and Mac users, there are many free multimedia players available to download for audio and/or video playback for PC Windows and Mac users.

    To download free multimedia players, go to:

    Day 1
    Day 2
    Lecture 1: Secrets for Success Lecture 30
    Lecture 2: Lecture 31
    Lecture 3: Lecture 32
    Lecture 4: Lecture 33
    Lecture 5: Lecture 34
    Lecture 6: Lecture 35
    Lecture 7: Lecture 36
    Lecture 8: Lecture 37
    Lecture 9: Lecture 38
    Lecture 10: Lecture 39
    Lecture 11: Lecture 40
    Lecture 12: Lecture 41
    Lecture 13: Lecture 42
    Lecture 14: Lecture 43
    Lecture 15: Lecture 44
    Lecture 16: Lecture 45
    Lecture 17: Lecture 46
    Lecture 18: Lecture 47
    Lecture 19 Lecture 48
    Lecture 20: Lecture 49
    Lecture 21 Lecture 50
    Lecture 22 Lecture 51
    Lecture 23: Lecture 52
    Lecture 24  
    Lecture 25  
    Lecture 26  
    Lecture 27  
    Lecture 28  

    Lecture 29: Beginning of Day 2


  1. Workshop Participants at: